Sunday, March 11, 2007

Agloco To Start Paying between March 26th - April 16th

Here is a section of a post on the Agloco company website about the release of the viewbar and when we should begin to see how much money we will start making with Agloco:

Viewbar Update: Our lead tech development engineer is still in Shanghai with the Viewbar team (now seven engineers). Cutting to the point, the current release date is now between 18 and 39 days from today (between Monday March 26th and Monday April 16th). I am told this is all a function of the QA testing results.

There's no risk with Agloco, it only takes about 2 min. to sign up and the potential to earn money is a reality. I really can't wait to see what the reality will look like with this company.

Until then, sign up now and refer your friends:

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